Mod Name: Afraid of Monsters – Director’s Cut
Download Link:
Style: Horror/Experimental
Requirements: Half Life 1 (Installed)
Afraid of Monsters is one of those old classics that...
Mod Name: Stargate Space Conflict
Author: pharaondavy
Download Link: Here (Vers. 1.3)
Game: Homeworld 2
For any space combat game there are a few things that are a must to add, these are a Star Trek mod, a Battlestar Galactica mod, a Star Wars mod and of course a more recent...
Mod Name: Nightmare House 2
Developer: WeCreateStuff
Download Link: Here
Style: Horror/Action
Requirements: Half Life 2 + Episode 2 (Both installed)
Hello readers, and welcome to my first review for Modsentry. My name is C-zom (Or officially, Glenn Winkelmann Jr) and I will be looking at the...
Garry has confirmed on his blog that in his next update he will be adding support for mounting content from several Source Mods. The mods include DIPRIP, Dystopia, PVKII, Zombie Panic: Source and Age of Chivalry. He’s also attempted to get in touch with the team behind Insurgency but to no...
A single player mod for Half-Life: Episode II, Precursor is set prior to the events of Half-Life 2 and as the name suggests, it acts as a precursor to the Half-Life 2 games. The mod looks like an enjoyable short campaign for any Half-Life 2 fans. It also features two voice actors who lend their...
The western Source mod Fistful of Frags has just been updated to version 3.5. With this update comes the announcement that the mod is now officially out of beta. This is great news for the mod which has been in development for five years , steadily becoming one of the top multiplayer Source...